Web Development

Jamstack Development

Deacon Bradley

  • React
  • Sanity CMS
  • GatsbyJs
  • Storybook
  • TailwindCSS
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Deacon Bradley Website Development

At Deacon Bradley, we leverage a powerful tech stack to create remarkable web projects. Our expertise lies in React, Gatsby.js, Tailwind CSS, Storybook, and Sanity CMS.

React serves as the foundation of our front-end development, enabling us to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Gatsby.js, a static site generator, empowers us to create lightning-fast websites with its pre-rendering capabilities and optimized performance.

Tailwind CSS offers a utility-first approach to styling, enabling us to create responsive, customizable, and visually appealing designs efficiently.

Storybook allows us to develop and showcase UI components in isolation, promoting code reusability, collaboration, and streamlined development.

Sanity CMS provides a flexible content management system, allowing our clients to effortlessly manage and publish content on their websites.

With this robust tech stack, we deliver cutting-edge web projects that are visually stunning, user-friendly, and technologically advanced for our valued clients at Deacon Bradley.